The PC-SIG Library 9
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UTILITY.DOC PC/370 utility documentation
A. Summary
1. SEE.ALC - this utility will support full screen editing of an
ASCII text file. The size of the file is only limited by the
amount of MS-DOS memory available (up to 640K less MS-DOS and
PC/370). The program is modeled after the TURBO PASCAL full
screen editor with compatible commands. In addition to the
expanded memory support, SEE supports full color selection,
character graphics, and session emulation.
2. PRINTDOC.ALC - this utility will read an ASCII text file and
print it on the standard printer device with headings and page
numbers set by standard ALC TITLE, EJECT, and SPACE commands.
3. T370.ALC - this utility reads A370 relocatable object files
which are in compressed bit stream format and creates standard
IBM 370 linkage editor input in standard 80 byte fixed record
format with ESD, TXT, RLD, and END type records. This utility
also has option to generate ascii hex listing file if desired.
The 370 object files have a suffix of .370 and the listing
file has a suffix for .HEX.
To run demo of utility programs, execute BAT\RUNUTIL.BAT. To rebuild
executable utility modules from source run BAT\BLDUTIL.BAT.
B. SEE - Screen Editor and Emulator Documentation
SEE.ALC is a full screen ASCII text editor for PC's with MS-DOS 2.0+
and at least 256k. SEE is designed to be keystroke compatible with
both PFS:WRITE and the TURBO PASCAL (ie WORDSTAR like) editors. SEE
supports text files up to 512k on a 640k system. Note SEE.ALC itself
is about 90k which some editors can't handle. To conserve space SEE
strips trailing blanks from each line of text, and replaces 9 leading
blanks with a single tab character. Each line is terminated with a
carriage return and line feed.
SEE also supports session emulation by optionally creating a file
(.KSF) with all of the session's keystrokes which can be replayed to
emulate the session with full color control. SEE also supports line
and block drawing with graphic characters in full color.
The distribution diskettes or ARC file contains SEE.COM which can be
used to edit the source code UTIL\SEE.ALC. TO edit an existing ASCII
text file:
A>SEE file1
E370R42.EXE is dynamically loaded by SEE.COM to execute the 370 code
so it must be accessible on the current path as SEE.COM. If you wish
to run SEE using the emulator on a separate directory, you can use
DEBUG to insert path in front of emulator name at X'140' in SEE.COM,
or you can make the emulator resident by directly executing it.
The default file type is ALC. (Note with PC/370 you can change the
default in SEE.ALC and reassemble and link it in about 90 seconds on a
standard PC.) If the file doesn't exist, it will create an empty file
ready for editing. If the file does exist, it will be renamed
file1.BAK before saving the new file if it is changed. Be sure there
is room on the same disk for both the new file and the backup file
before spending a lot of time editing a file. Note SEE.ALC itself
requires at least 110k free space before you can save it.
To capture all the keystrokes in a session for replay later, type:
A>SEE file1 file2
The default file type for file2 is KSF. If file2 does not exist, it
will be created with all the keystrokes entered during the session
which edits file1. If file2 already exists, SEE will use it as the
keyboard input to emulate the original session. Note two special keys
act different in live editing versus emulation. ALT-F1 key causes
emulation to stop until a real key is entered. ALT-F2 key causes a 1
second wait in emulation mode to slow it down for visual effects.
Additional controls could be easily added to SEE.
SEE is designed to be fast and easy to use. To change a drive
specification in an autoexec.bat file a sequence of less than 25
characters including the filename may be required. For example,
assuming autoexec.bat contains:
RECORD/COLUMN 1...5...10...15...20
1 ver
2 astclock
3 c:
4 123
The following keystrokes would change drive c to drive a:
keystrokes ascii characters comments
1-19 see autoexec.bat[enter] start up SEE and display text
20-21 [arrow down][arrow down] move down to third line
22 a replace c with a
23 [esc] rename old file and save new
To learn the keystrokes available with SEE, use F1 and F2 to display
help screens. After reading help screens type any character to return
to text display.
To see the capability of SEE and to verify that the version you have
is working correctly on your system, run the batch file RUNUTIL.BAT.
This file executes the following emulation sessions:
1. DEMOSEE1.KSF - test both native and alternate keys as defined on
2. DEMOSEE2.KSF - test full color character graphics by drawing
colored organizational chart boxes and a full
color U.S. flag with blinking stars. Press enter
to end session.
One of the unique features of SEE is that the entire 370 assembler
source code is being distributed along with the object code. Because
of this, the SEE editor can be customized as required. The SEE.ALC
source program is about 3000 lines and requires no external
subroutines. On a RAM disk, it assembles in about 60 seconds via the
command A370 SEE. The link edit takes another 10 seconds via the
command L370 SEE. A listing of the source can be generated via the
command A370 SEE/L if you have a hard disk. The listing is too big to
fit on a 360k floppy disk.
SEE has several special keys which may need additional explanation.
The ALT-F3 key enters PC/370 debug mode where you can display the 370
registers via the R command, dump memory via the D command, trace
instructions, etc. To return to the SEE editor, type Q. Since the
default is to kill all trace ids and disable the PC/370 interactive
debug interrupt, you must either link SEE with the debug option D, or
press a key during loading of the SEE program to get into PC/370 debug
at the beginning of SEE where you can select ids to save and trace.
The ALT-F4 key toggles an internal audit mode which was very useful
during debugging and may be useful to others making changes to SEE.
In audit mode the critical pointers and control blocks are verified
for consistency after each operation that modifies them. For large
text files, these audits may take several seconds so be patient. Via
the audit mode, data corruption can be detected immediately after it
occurs rather than later such as when a save is attempted. The
following block diagram shows the critical blocks and their
* MS-DOS 64k segment *
* SEE.COM 512k segment (code and data in 370 address space) *
* *
* SCB screen control block *
* ************************* <<<<< ASCB pointer to screen *
* X>>*SCBADDR DS A addr LB * control block with 25 *
* ^ *SCBPREV DS A prev LB * lines of text *
* ^ *SCBNEXT DS A next LB * *
* ^ *SCBLINE DS CL80 text * *
* ^ ************************* <<<<< R5 relative index to *
* ^ *SCBADDR DS A addr LB * current row in ASCB *
* ^ *SCBPREV DS A prev LB * times X'100' *
* ^ *SCBNEXT DS A next LB * (X'0000' to X'1700') *
* ^ *SCBLINE DS CL80 text * *
* ^ ************************* R6 relative column (0-79) *
* ^ R7 address of SCB for row *
* ^ *
* ^ GLBLAST DS A last LB >>>>>>>X *
* X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GLBCUR DS A current LB >>>>>X v *
* (matches SCBADDR for GLBFIRST DS A first LB >>>> v v *
* row 0 at all times) v v v *
* v v v *
* v v v *
* (Dynamic memory allocated via SVC 10) v v v *
* v v v *
* LB line control block v v v *
* *************************** v v v *
* 0 * LBPREV DS A prev LB *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<X v v *
* X<<* LBNEXT DS A next LB * v v *
* v * LBLINE DS CL80 text * v v *
* v *************************** v v *
* v ^ v v *
* v ^ v v *
* X>>*************************** v v *
* * LBPREV DS A prev LB *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<X v *
* X<X* LBNEXT DS A next LB * v *
* v * LBLINE DS CL80 text * v *
* v *************************** v *
* v ^ v *
* v ^ v *
* X>>*************************** v *
* * LBPREV DS A prev LB *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<X *
* 0 * LBNEXT DS A next LB * *
* * LBLINE DS CL80 text * *
* *************************** *
* *
* (note lower right number on status line is ratio of *
* active LB's to maximum LB's which will fit in extended *
* memory. AFREELB pointer maintains queue of unused LB's.) *
* *
* E370R40.EXE PC/370 emulator loaded in high 64k segment *
The key things that are verified by the audit mode routines are as
1. The row (R5) and column (R6) relative pointers are within valid
2. The SCB address (R7) corresponds to current relative row (R5).
3. The SCBADDR in row zero matches GLBCUR.
4. The SCBPREV in each SCB matches SCBNEXT in previous SCB etc.
5. Starting with LB at GLBFIRST, verify forward and backward chains
for all LB's in extended memory. The total LB count is also
Do not leave audit mode on for normal editing since it significantly
slows down the editor.
The label (F5), duplicate (F6), and delete key (del) all work
together. When ever a block is active, the BLK indicator is on. Be
sure to turn the block indicator off via F5, F6, or delete key. If
the block indicator is not off and the (del) key is hit to delete a
character, it will delete the block instead. Note since the box
graphics mode indicator shares the same space on the status line,
turning on graphics will turn off the block indicator.
The search (F7) key will search for up to a 15 character key. Use F8
to repeat search. If a replacement key is specified, it will only be
replaced if it fits on current line. Search can be interrupted by any
key. The current line number is updated every 100 lines during
The color selection key (F9) is tricky but powerful. The attribute
byte shown on the message line consists of four fields; the blink bit,
the background color bits (RGB), the intensity bit, and the foreground
color bits (RGB). The default attribute is set to B'00010111' or
X'17' which can be interpreted as no blink, no red background, no
green background, blue background, no intensity, and red, green, and
blue foreground (ie white foreground). This is the PFS:WRITE default.
The TURBO PASCAL editor default is yellow on black B'00001110' or
X'0E'. The attribute can be entered as a two digit hex number or the
arrows can be used to step through all the possible color and blink
combinations (all 256 of them). Once the desired attribute is
selected, press enter to return to the screen with the new attribute.
Note that unfortunately the attributes of each character are not
stored in the file and when the screen is erased and updated again,
individual character attributes used on the screen are lost. However,
the emulator option allows recreation of any screen with all the
colors used during the original session. This capability can be used
to generate full color screen dialogs.
In addition to color, the box graphics or line graphics capability
allows creation of screens with organization charts and line diagrams
such as the one above. I did not use color and I selected printable
characters via SHFT-F10 in order for this file to be printable on any
ASCII printer. The default box graphic characters when F10 is turned
on is double line graphic characters which look neat on the screen but
can't be printed on many printers. When F10 is pressed, the BOX
indicator comes on and the insert mode is turned off. In BOX mode,
the arrows allow drawing of boxes and lines with correct corners based
on the current and next direction of arrows. With a little practice,
it is easy to draw things and to add color to highlight different
parts. However, the color is lost unless the keystroke file is being
created during the session. Note in BOX mode, keystrokes are not
queued up as they are in normal text mode. This is to prevent
overshooting the end of a line when holding down one of the arrow
The status line contains the following fields:
1. STATMSG - 20 character message field used to display the
current function and to echo requested input.
2. STATFILE - name of the file being edited with path (15 char.
3. STATREC - current line number.
4. STATCOL - current cursor column
5. STATCAP - caps key indicator
6. STATINS - insert mode indicator (SEE always starts with INS
7. STATNUM - numeric mode indicator
8. STATBLK - labeled block mode indicator / box graphics mode
9. STATPCT - percent utilization of available memory
As a starting point for anyone who wishes to add a new key function,
the following minimum steps are required:
1. Overlay byte in KEYTAB which corresponds to the value of the new
key with an index to the corresponding address in KRTAB.
(All ASCII keys are in the range 0-127, and all extended keys
are mapped into 128-255 by forcing the high order bit on.)
Since the index values are multiples of 4, up to 63 keys can be
handled with this scheme.
2. Insert address constant in KRTAB which points to the actual key
3. Code the key routine with the following assumptions:
a. R14 has return address (You can use KRSV14 to save it.)
b. R5 has relative row times X'100'.
c. R6 has relative column.
d. R7 has address of SCB corresponding to current row.
e. GLBCUR has extended memory address of LB for row 0 on
f. GLBLAST has extended memory address of last LB.
g. Useful routines include:
1.) SETCUR - reset cursor based on (R5,R6) and update
line if position has changed since last call.
2.) PUTMSG - display 20 character message passed via R1.
h. If the function you add, modifies any data in the SCB's, be
sure to turn on the SCBMOD and SCRMOD flags to insure that
the update and save routines recognize a file change
i. Assume nothing works and keep a backup copy of the editor
and any test files you are using.
4. Add key definition to F2 screen without exceeding 24 lines.
5. Test all changes very carefully since this program should be
considered complex. The interaction between key routines and
the maintenance of the screen and memory control blocks during
scrolling, block operations, etc. is tricky to say the least.
Use the audit mode to verify that the new routine does not
destroy currency of the screen and extended memory data bases.
For release 2.0 of PC/370, the SEE editor was modified to use dynamic
memory in the 370 address space instead of MS-DOS allocated extended
memory accessed via the cross memory MVCS and MVCP moves. The only
other change was to start up editor in insert mode for new files.
C. PRINTDOC print utility
The PRINTDOC.COM program requires path\filename as single parm and
proceeds to print the specified file either on console or the standard
print device with page control and optional headings controlled with
embedded TITLE and EJECT commands. For more information see the
source code UTIL\PRINTDOC.ALC.
D. T370 translate object code utility
The T370.COM program requires path\filename as single parm with
optional trailing slash and one or more of the following parms:
L - create listing file of the generated 370 OS/VS object file
(suffix is HEX). Default is none.
P - punch 370 object code file (suffix 370). Default is on.
The input file specified must be an object file created by A370.EXE.
For more information see the source UTIL\T370.ALC.